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Single Family Home for sale at

341 Market St , Millersville MO 63766
MLS :16068114
Bathrooms:Full:2  ¾:  ½:
View Count: 2210

Have you always longed for a beautiful old home in a peaceful country setting? Then don't miss this beauty. This stately brick home was built in 1883 and is known as the Miller-Seabaugh home, and is one of the oldest homes in the area. It still has the small building where Dr. Seabaugh practiced medicine. It is now being used for storage. The home has meticulous attention to detail on the interior, such as thick brick interior walls with plaster, with each room having picture rails to suspend pictures. The old fireplace is non functioning but is an elegant addition to the beautiful living room, and would be wonderful to use as a supplementary electric heat source. This one and a half story gem has living room, parlor, kitchen master bedroom and bath and enclosed porch on the main level with two bedroooms and full bath plus sitting room upstairs. Enjoy coffee and relax on either of the two porches, plus a back porch.

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