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Single Family Home for sale at

1804 Ferndale Dr , Cape Girardeau MO 63701
MLS :17012904
Bathrooms:Full:2  ¾:  ½:1
County:Cape Girardeau
Schools: Alma Schrader Elementary
View Count: 1997

BRING THE FAM! You are all going to LOVE this place inside and out! There are only beautiful hard surface floors, so you can leave the shampooer with a less fortunate friend. Another big plus is the dining room, where you can gather for family meals without the distraction of a television. Then, everyone can scatter to enjoy a little rest and relaxation in the living OR in the family room, both of which are on the main level. No fussing over the remote here! There is even plenty of room for the kids to make noise and messes with their friends in the full, partially finished basement while you preserve your sanity upstairs. As if that isn't enough, the fireplace is the perfect place for snuggles on a cold, winter night, while the covered patio, inside a privacy fenced backyard, makes summer days the cool place to barbecue and teach the puppy to fetch. A home like this is a home for making memories! With interest rates climbing and LOW/NO DOWN PAYMENT options available, why wait?

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