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Single Family Home for sale at

1522 Charmaine , Bonne Terre MO 63628
MLS :17018435
Bathrooms:Full:3  ¾:  ½:
County:St. Francois
View Count: 2281

Summer is coming!! Here is the perfect home, Pride in ownership in this 4 large bedrooms with 3 full baths very close to Lac Marseilles. You can walk to the beach it is that close! You are going to love all this home has to offer, many updates like the bathrooms, new flooring in most rooms, newer a/c, newer storm door, and freshly painted throughout. Home features, large living room with fireplace, separate dining room, walkout finished lower level, well maintained 22x13 deck only 1 year old. Concrete patio, 2 Car oversize garage, 16x10 shed with electric. All this sitting on two lots .536acres +/-

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