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Main Photo for MLS 19053951

Single Family Home for sale at

135 S West End , Cape Girardeau MO 63703
MLS :19053951
Bathrooms:Full:3  ¾:  ½:1
County:Cape Girardeau
View Count: 2217

One of three nearly identical "Sister Houses" - this is a historic 1908 Cape treasure. Property records trace owner by owner all the way back to the 1795 land grant from the King of Spain to Lorimier. It was built with the quality and luxury of its day for the 3 daughters of a wealthy landowner. Pristine woodwork, stained glass, 10 foot ceilings, french doors with beveled glass, a grand staircase with servant stairs to the kitchen, bay windows, a second-floor porch - the 3000 square foot home could be a stunning showcase. And it's priced to allow for the work that still needs to be done to complete its present-day transformation. As private 5-bedroom home, bed-and-breakfast or air bnb, great possibilities are easily apparent. In the back are 3 outbuildings, including a 2 car garage/shop that opens to the alley. It does have central heat and air, although the boiler and registers are still present. Come step back a century, and be part of the future of this grand home.

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